Free Book: Family Religion

Free Book: Family Religion

One of the saddest things in the world is the inconsistency that can be observed when most families get home from church. During one hour of worship once a week, everything is just as it should be. The family is together, smiling, and honoring God. However, this...
The Benedict Option: Review

The Benedict Option: Review

The Benedict Option: A Strategy for Christians in a Post-Christian Nation, by Rod Dreher. New York: Sentinel, 2017, 262 pages, $25.00. Reviewed by John R. Muether (a ruling elder at Reformation Orthodox Presbyterian Church, Oviedo, Florida, library director at...
Martin Luther: Antisemitic?

Martin Luther: Antisemitic?

Before You Call Luther an “Anti-Semite” Like most of you, I have heard the charge of anti-semitism leveled against Martin Luther many times. Unlike most, however, I decided to discover whether the charge was substantiated by reading his book “On The Jews and...
KJV 400: The Enduring Influence

KJV 400: The Enduring Influence

Gregory Edward Reynolds The Holy Bible: Quatercentenary Edition, An Exact Reprint in Roman Type, Page for Page, Line for Line, Letter for Letter, of the King James Version, otherwise known as the Authorized Version, published in 1611, with an Anniversary Essay by...