Question: Can you give me a brief overview of the major differences between the PCUSA and the Orthodox Presbyterian Church? Thank you. Answer: The OPC was formed during the fundamentalist-modernist controversy early in the twentieth century, when J. Gresham Machen was...
Is John 8:1-11 Genuine?

Is John 8:1-11 Genuine?

These eleven verses [John 8:1-11], together with the last verse of the preceding chapter, form perhaps the gravest critical difficulty in the New Testament. Their genuineness is disputed. It is held by many learned Christian writers—who have an undoubted right to be...
Resources on Lent

Resources on Lent

Every year around this time, Reformed Pastors are asked, “Why doesn’t your church offer lenten services?” While our answer is simple enough — “Because we have no scriptural warrant to do so” — we understand that this answer...
What’s so wrong with Halloween?

What’s so wrong with Halloween?

Question: “I was recently surprised to discover that some of the people in my church disapprove of Halloween. Why is this? What’s so wrong with Halloween?” Answer: Some Christians object to the observance of Halloween because they find the historical...
Judge Not?

Judge Not?

Question: What did Jesus mean when he told us not to judge others in Matthew 7:1? The first portion of these verses is one of those passages of Scripture, which we must be careful not to strain beyond its proper meaning. It is frequently abused and misapplied, by the...
What is Theonomy?

What is Theonomy?

Question: I have occasionally heard the word “Theonomy” used in conversations at church. What does that word mean? Answer: Since there are many different opinions of “Theonomy” in the church, I thought it would be most fair to allow one of the...