by pastor | Jan 6, 2020 | Bible Studies
In conjunction with our current class on the Ten Commandments, the Pastor is encouraging all members to commit the following portion of Exodus chapter 20 to memory. The section due this coming Sunday will appear in red letters. Preface: And God spake all these words,...
by pastor | Dec 2, 2019 | Bible Studies, Featured
Modern evangelicals will argue passionately for the Ten Commandments to be displayed in public, but less than half of them can actually recite all ten from memory. This is shameful. Join us this Sunday for our afternoon discipleship hour as we study the Ten...
by pastor | Nov 16, 2019 | Bible Studies, Featured
Jesus: Better than everything. That is no overstatement and we invite you to come discover why at our mid-week meeting as we begin a verse-by-verse study of Paul’s Epistle to the Hebrews. We meet at the church building each Wednesday at 6:00 PM to sing, pray,...
by pastor | Sep 21, 2019 | Bible Studies, Theology
Four hundred years ago [1618-19], a church synod was assembled in Dordrecht, Netherlands to settle a debate that had been stirred by the writings of a heretic named Jacobus Arminius. The synod produced and adopted a document that answered five of Arminius’ most...
by pastor | Jun 16, 2019 | Bible Studies, Devotional
In today’s sermon, Pastor McShaffrey challenged Christians to read the Holy Bible cover-to-cover in a year’s time. Countless people have accomplished this and it is not that complicated. One of the easiest methods is simply to read four chapters per day....
by pastor | Jun 12, 2019 | Bible Studies
Every true church will teach lessons from the Bible, but few ever teach lessons on the Bible and this is a potentially fatal error. The culture (and even some “christians”) have been chipping away at the Bible’s authority for decades now and we can...