Directions for the people of God as they prepare for, attend to, participate in, and improve upon the Public Worship of God.
Preparing for the Lord’s Day
- Plan ahead for the Lord’s Day during the week
- Finish all your worldly business on Saturday
- At least be able to ‘wrap it up’ until Monday
Observing the Lord’s Day
- The whole day is to celebrated as holy to the Lord
- Spend the whole day in acts of public & private worship
- Cease & rest from all unnecessary labors
- Abstain from all sports & pastimes
- Forsake all worldly words & thoughts
- Exceptions: Works of mercy, piety, and necessity
Eating on the Lord’s Day
- Plan your sabbath meals beforehand
- Do not detain your ‘servants’ from worship
- Do not interfere with anyone’s observance
Preparations for Public Worship
- Private & family worship should occur
- Pray for yourself & your minister
- Engage in other holy exercises
Attendance at Public Worship
- Every member of the household should attend
- Neglecting the public assembly is condemned
- The pretense of holding ‘private meetings’ is condemned
Entering the Meeting Place
- Do not be irreverent and casual
- Enter in a serious and appropriate manner
- Find your seat and sit down
Taking your Seats
- Avoid superstition and idolatry
- Adoring certain places is condemned
- Bowing down to certain places is condemned
Arriving Late for Worship
- Things happen… don’t feel bad
- Do not then retreat to private devotions
- Join in worship at a non-disruptive time
Participating in Public Worship
- Be on time so as not to miss important elements
- Participate in every element of worship
- Passivity is condemned
Paying Attention in Public Worship
- Read only what the minister is reading
- Ignore people (whether esteemed or entering)
- Avoid daydreaming and sleeping
Helping Others Pay Attention
- Do not disturb the minister or the people
- Do not hinder others in their service to God
- Abstain from private whisperings and conversations
- Abstain from private salutations, glances, and gestures
Utilizing the ‘Down Times’
- Read & meditate
- Review sermons
- Quiz the family about what they heard
- Catechize the children
- Engage in holy conversations
- Pray for public ordinances
- Sing Psalms & Hymns
- Visit the sick
- Relieve the poor
- Perform duties of piety, charity, and mercy
- Count the Sabbath a delight
Adapted by Pastor McShaffrey from the Westminster Directory of Publick Worship (1645)