preludeWe live in a busy world. Jesus warned us that the the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things can come into our hearts and choke out God’s word so that it becomes unfruitful in our lives (c.f., Mark 4:19).

In worship, we assemble as God’s people to hear his voice as his Holy Word is read, sung, and preached. We cannot do this with cluttered and choked hearts.

One way your church endeavors to help you leave the cares of this world behind as you come into God’s presence is the prelude. It is not a performance, but an act of ministry which is offered to help worshippers quiet and cleanse their hearts before entering God’s presence.

As the prelude begins this week, please find your seat, sit down, and then quiet your heart through private prayer so that worldly distractions may cease and unhindered worship may commence.