In 2012, the Elders of the church began to re-examine their “inherited practice” of administering the Lord’s Supper on a monthly basis.
They studied the scriptural, theological, historical, and practical considerations pertaining to the frequency of communion, conducted a poll of the churches within our presbytery, and spent much time in prayer, discussion, and debate.
In 2017, they came to this conclusion: The Lord’s Supper, having been instituted by the Lord Jesus Christ as an ordinary means of grace, ought to be administered in his church on at least a weekly basis.
Below are some resources that the session recommends:
Short articles from the OPC’s “Ordained Servant”
Why Weekly Communion? (T. David Gordon)
The Lord’s Supper: How Often? (D.G. Hart and John Muether)
Longer articles from other reformed denominations
At Least Weekly (Michael Horton, URCNA)
The Reformation of the Supper (Kim Riddelbarger, URCNA)
Considerations Regarding Weekly Communion (T. David Gordon, PCA)
Audio sermons from an OPC Minister: Rev. Nathan Trice
1. The Case for Weekly Communion
2. The Theology for Weekly Communion
3. The Benefits of Weekly Communion