Needed: Reformed Pastor for Covenant Family Church (OPC) in Troy, MO

Covenant Family Church is seeking a pastor, following the retirement of its previous minister.

The congregation has distinctives that include strong parental involvement in their children’s education, sympathies with the family-integrated model of ministry, and a preference for six ordinary day creationism.

The members are very friendly and hospitable, taught effectively in Presbyterian ecclesiology, and eager to promote the Gospel of Christ both at home and in their communities. For this reason, they seek a solid preacher who is eager to do the work of an evangelist.

While we currently meet for worship in Troy, we may soon be relocating to Wentzville (about 16 miles south).

Interested parties should do two things:

1. Contact Elder Bruce Stahl by clicking here, calling (636) 536-3666, or using the form below.

2. Complete our Supplemental Questionnaire and e-mail it to us with your resume.