Why the KJV?

Why the KJV?

The King James Version of the Holy Bible [KJV] has been part of my life since the day I was converted. However, my reasons for continuing to use it today are not at all nostalgic. The purpose of this article is to explain why I continue to use the KJV in my public...
Translation and Subversion

Translation and Subversion

By R. J. RushdoonyJanuary 01, 2005 The publication of a new translation of the Bible should be an occasion for rejoicing. The availability of Scripture in a new language, or a fresh rendering in “modern dress” for people already possessing the Bible, can be of...
The Excellence of The AV

The Excellence of The AV

By William O. EinwechterJune 01, 1997 Without question, the Authorized (King James) Version of the Bible reigns supreme as the most extensively used and influential English translation of the Word of God that there has ever been. It was essentially the only...