How do I read the Bible profitably?

How do I read the Bible profitably?

Question: Someone gave me a Bible recently and I’m not sure where to begin. I know that may sound silly, but I’m being honest. Any advice to first-time readers? Answer: First of all, thank you for being that honest! I am sure there are many people who feel the same...
How do I read the Bible profitably?

Does “world” mean “world” or not?

Question: I heard the strangest thing during Bible study. Someone said, “The word ‘world’ doesn’t always refer to every single person on the planet.” How could he say that? How could anyone deny John 3:16? It clearly says that God loves the whole world. Answer: First...
How do I read the Bible profitably?

Keeping the peace at all costs?

Question: I want to walk with God, but there is someone in my life who is making it very difficult. Even getting out the door to go to church turns into an argument. I usually just give up and stay home. Jesus would want me to keep the peace rather than making things...
How do I read the Bible profitably?

May we use interjections like “OMG”?

Question: Should a Christian use interjections like “Gosh!” or “O my God!” in their speech? What about using “OMG” while text messaging? Answer: Let it first of all be acknowledged that while interjections are admittedly over-used by many people and while they can...
How do I read the Bible profitably?

Did dragons ever exist?

Question: Did dragons ever exist? If so, then what happened to them? If they did not exist, then why are they mentioned in the Bible? Answer: Your question consists of three distinct parts, so let me attempt to answer them one-by-one. 1. Did dragons ever exist? Of...
How do I read the Bible profitably?

Am I ready for marriage?

Question: How do I know if I am ready to consider marriage? Answer: This is certainly a timely question in that most of our readers either did something “special” or received something “special” for valentine’s day and are therefore feeling more inclined to deepen...