Author: Christian McShaffrey
Credit: Adapted from first two lines of “Our Children, Lord”
Text: 2 Kings 11:1-3
Tune: Arlington
Meter: C.M.
Our nation, Lord, in faith and prayer,
We now devote to thee;
Remove Athaliah from the throne,
That we may live in peace.
Our churches, Lord, in faith and prayer,
We now devote to thee;
Bring Baal worship to an end,
And draw us back to thee.
Our fathers, Lord, in faith and prayer,
We now devote to thee;
Let them be like Jehoiada:
A priest in sanctity.
Our mothers, Lord, in faith and prayer,
We now devote to thee;
Let them be like Jehosheba,
In faith and charity.
Our children, Lord, in faith and prayer,
We now devote to thee;
Let them be like Joash-the-King,
Who reigned in dignity.
O Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
One God, in Persons Three
To thee be glory, laud and praise,
For all eternity.