Author: Christian McShaffrey
Text: Ephesians 1:3-14
Tune: Bryn Calfaria

Blessed be the God and Father, who hath chosen us in love.
Foreordaining – Always reigning; from his glorious throne above.
Blessed Father, Blessed Father, Blessed Father;
We extol and worship thee! Hail the Triune Majesty!

Blessed be the Son-begotten, who in love left his throne above.
Humbled, beaten, bruised and broken; purged our sins with his own blood.
Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus;
We extol and worship thee! Hail the Triune Majesty!

Blessed be the Holy Spirit, who remains our surety.
Our inheritance is sealed; kept in perfect security.
Blessed Spirit, Blessed Spirit, Blessed Spirit;
We extol and worship thee! Hail the Triune Majesty!