The Elders decided to mark the milestone of our congregation settling into a permanent meeting place by re-naming our church.
Please begin thinking about what name best describes “who we are” as a church and “what we offer” to the community.
Here are the guidelines for submissions:
– There is a limit of 3 submissions per member.
– Proposed names should be simple (i.e., conveying a single idea or concept).
– Try to include a conceptual idea for a logo that compliments your name. Find ideas at this website.
– Consider writing a sentence or two that states the merits of your proposed name.
– All submissions will be kept anonymous so that each entry is evaluated on its own merits.
– The deadline for submissions is Sunday, July 14th.
Once all the submissions are received, the Elders will evaluate them and adopt the best one. Lord willing, this announcement will coincide with our move in to the new building.