1. It is the duty of every one to remember the Lord’s Day and to prepare for it before its approach. On the preceding day all worldly business should be so ordered by each person and seasonably laid aside that he may not be hindered thereby from sanctifying the Sabbath, as the Holy Scriptures require.

2. God commanded his Old Testament people to keep holy the last day of the week, but he sanctified the first day as the Sabbath by the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ from the dead. For this reason the church of the new dispensation has from the time of the apostles kept holy the first day of the week as the Lord’s Day.

3. The whole day is to be kept holy to the Lord, and is to be employed primarily in the public and private exercises of religion. Therefore it is requisite that there be a holy resting all the day from such labors and an abstaining from such thoughts, conversations and recreations as are not consonant with this end.

4. Let works of necessity on that day be so ordered that servants or others be not improperly detained from the public worship of God, nor otherwise hindered from sanctifying the Sabbath.

5. It is well for each family to prepare at the family altar for communion with God in his public ordinances by reading the Scriptures, by holy meditation and by prayer, especially for a blessing upon the ministry of the Word.

6. Although it is fitting and proper that the members of Christ’s church meet for worship on other occasions also, which are left to the discretion of the particular churches, it is the sacred duty and high privilege of God’s people everywhere to convene for public worship on the Lord’s Day. God has expressly enjoined them in his holy Word not to forsake the assembling of themselves together.

From the “Book of Church Order” of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church