Most Christians are familiar with the popular phrase “in the world, but not of it”, but is far more than a church cliche.
It is a way of life.
We invite you to join us for mid-week Bible study during the month of April as we study some of the scriptural bases for that phrase.
The study will be held each Wednesday at 6:00 PM at the Pastor’s Study.
The schedule and outlines are below:
04/06/16 – What it Feels Like (Psalm 137)
Verses 1-4 – Being far from home (Zion/Heaven) and surrounded by sin (Babylon/World) fills the believer with a certain sorrow (c.f., Psalm 119:136).
Verses 5-6 – In such times, we must remember where our citizenship is and resolve to remain faithful as we wait for God’s purposes to be fulfilled (c.f., Phil. 3:20-4:1).
Verse 7 – This prayer for God to “remember” is like the second petition of the Lord’s Prayer: “Thy Kingdom Come.” This is the Christian’s joy-filled hope (c.f., Rev. 18-19).
Verse 8-9 – The sinful world is always righteously judged by God (temporally and eternally). This enables us to give place to wrath and patiently wait (c.f., Rom. 12:14-20).
04/13/16 – What Jesus Prayed (John 17:6-19)
Verses 1-8, Christ glorifies his Father for the perfections of our salvation. Note that two doctrines are here affirmed:
Election: “The men whom you have given me…” (vs. 6)
Effectual Calling: “I have given… they received.” (vs. 8)
Verses 9-17, Having secured our salvation, Christ prays two specific things for his disciples:
Perseverance: Keep/deliver them from evil (vv. 11, 15)
Sanctification: Make them holy by the truth (vs. 17)
Verses 18-19, The end of Christ’s prayer is this: That his disciples might fulfill their mission. Note the prepositions:
We are in the world, but not of it…
So that we can then go into the world.
04/20/16 – Where it Begins (Romans 12:1-2)
Introductory note: The word “therefore” marks a logical transition from the theology of Romans 1-11 to the ethical instructions which follow. Let us here be reminded:
1st Justification precedes sanctification
2nd Sanctification must then be experienced
These verses describe the Christian’s reasonable response to God’s redeeming grace. Note some of the details:
Tenor: Beseech (earnest pleading, urging)
Metaphor: Present (consecrative act of worship)
Scope: Bodies (physical emphasis or pars pro toto?)
Negative: Conformed (pressed into the world’s mold)
Positive: Transformed (renewed from the inside out)
Benefit: Prove (experiencing God’s perfect will)
04/27/16 – What it Looks Like (1 Peter 4:1-6)
Those who live in Christ must die to sin. Part of that experience is internal (i.e., striving against our flesh), but the scriptures also emphasize the external aspect of separating ourselves from worldliness.
The pattern (vv. 1-2): Christ’s single-mindedness for God was manifested in his outward obedience. For this, he joyfully suffered in the flesh.
The motivation (vs. 3): Have we not all wasted enough of our lives walking in the ways of the heathen? Note the six extremely-practical examples.
The commitment (vs. 4): The Christian no longer “runs” with the worldly crowd. They are, therefore, no longer swept away by the flood of dissipation.
The result: (vv. 4-5): The world will think us strange and speaks evil of us, but we will continue to live unto God in the Spirit until Judgement Day.