truth-projectAccording to research, only 9 percent of born-again believers hold a biblical worldview. In essence, the church as a whole does not believe what it says it believes. Therefore, divorce rates mirror our culture, sexual addiction is on the rise in the church, and many church-goers live a life devoid of purpose.

We therefore invite you to join us for The Truth Project — A video curriculum which reintroduces the Body of Christ to a life lived with meaning, purpose, and value.

Sessions will be held Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. in the conference room at the Chapparal Restaurant in Wonewoc, WI and you can contact Pastor McShaffrey if you have any questions. Here is the class schedule:

09/03 Veritology: What is Truth?

09/10 Philosophy and Ethics: Says Who?

09/17 Anthropology: Who is Man?

09/24 Theology: Who is God?

10/01 Science: What is True? (1)

10/08 Science: What is True? (2) 

10/15 History: Whose Story?

10/22 Sociology: The Divine Imprint

10/29 Unio Mystica: Am I Alone?

11/05 The State: Whose Law?

11/12 The American Experiment

11/19 Labor: Created to Create