A showing is scheduled for May 8th and this page will be used to compile information to help the congregation think through options.
You can contribute notes to this page by sending your comments to the Pastor via e-mail >>

Water pipes burst last winter, have been replaced
Metal roof installed (___?)
Brighter lighting in auditorium
Powerwash/whitewash siding
Trim evergreens, general landscaping
Known basement issues (water seepage?)
Affordable (could pay cash, no mortgage)
Good visibility on HWY 58
Centrally located (w/ current membership)
A classic looking building
Move in ready?
Freedoms of ownership
Handicap accessible ramp
Parking for 15 cars (?)
It is an old building
Increased commute for members on East side
No land to expand
Smaller kitchen (?)
A. LONG TERM – Consider this the solution to our building needs and just call Ironton our permanent home.
B. SHORT TERM – Purchase and use it while we continue to look for a permanent place. This would allow for only minimal improvements.
C. EXPERIMENT – Purchase the building and just see how it works out for 5 years (or so).
D. INVESTMENT – Allow a member to purchase the building and rent it back to the church at $400 per month.

Having revieved this information, please answer the question below. Note: Only one answer may be given per household.