by pastor | Feb 2, 2019 | Marriage, Outreach
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, but many couples feel like they have nothing to celebrate. Sound like you? Don’t worry. There is hope and we are here to help. Our Pastor is offering free counseling to hurting couples during the month of...
by pastor | Dec 10, 2018 | Bible Studies, Family, Marriage, Youth
Here’s a radical idea: What if having a father walk his daughter down the aisle is more than just a quaint tradition? Here’s an even more radical idea: What if the act of giving her away is actually the culmination of a longer process? What if her father...
by pastor | May 13, 2018 | Marriage, Masculinity
Gentlemen, as you think today about how much work your wife does in her daily domestic service, and how demeaning some of her chores may appear to us, consider these choice words from Martin Luther’s sermon “The Estate of Marriage” and seriously consider...
by pastor | Apr 16, 2018 | Bible Studies, Culture, Family, Marriage, Outreach
Everyone wants to be happy, but we will never find true happiness until we first understand and embrace our God-assigned identity as either male or female. “Hey, them’s fightn’ words!” Well, maybe in our modern culture… but from the...
by pastor | Feb 5, 2018 | Marriage
It is a great duty of husbands and wives to live in quietness and peace, and avoid all occasions of wrath and discord. Because this is a duty of so great importance, I shall first open to you the great necessity of it, and then give you more particular directions to...
by pastor | Dec 18, 2017 | Marriage
Question: I would like to know the origin of the Christian marriage. Is it required to be married by a pastor and what is the bible reference. Answer: Christian marriage is marriage after the pattern of the first couple—Adam and Eve (Gen. 2:21-25). That makes marriage...