by pastor | Feb 19, 2018 | Creation, Sermons
Here is a dirty little secret that many churches are keeping from their membership: They no longer believe in the historicity of the Book of Genesis. Even those which do (at least on paper), seem to lack the courage of conviction. When is the last time you heard a...
by pastor | Sep 8, 2016 | Creation, Events, Member Sponsored
Our sister church in Eau Claire, WI is hosting a creation science conference and invites us to attend. Here are the details and a video: Monday, October 3rd at 7:00 PM “The Alternative: Creation’s Competitive Edge” Dr. Robert Carter (CMI Scientist...
by pastor | Apr 21, 2014 | Bible Studies, Creation
Several of our members asked about the footnote for Exodus 20:8 which is found in the John MacArthur Study Bible. In this footnote, Mr. MacArthur argues against the applicability of the Fourth Commandment in the New Covenant Dispensation. Because this is the...
by pastor | Feb 21, 2014 | Ask the Pastor, Creation, Newspaper
Question: Did dragons ever exist? If so, then what happened to them? If they did not exist, then why are they mentioned in the Bible? Answer: Your question consists of three distinct parts, so let me attempt to answer them one-by-one. 1. Did dragons ever exist? Of...
by pastor | May 13, 2013 | Ask the Pastor, Creation
Question: What’s the OPC’s take on dinosaurs? Are behemoths, dragons and dinosaurs the same animal? Did Adam and Eve walk among them? What are some good reformed theology resources on these topics? I skimmed over the creation report and that didn’t...
by pastor | Feb 17, 2011 | Ask the Pastor, Creation
Question: How can anyone take the creation account in Genesis chapter 1 literally when it explicitly says that light was created before the sun in verses 3-5? Answer: It was proper that the light, by means of which the world was to be adorned with such excellent...