What does the Bible teach about civil government? Do the civil laws of ancient Israel apply to modern nations? What is the relation between church and state?
May a Christian join the military? Is voting an optional right or important responsibility?
Pastor McShaffrey sought to answer some of these questions during our Family Instruction Hour in the summer of 2011.
Study guides are available below:
Government in the Beginning (Genesis 2-4)
The Sanctity of Blood (Genesis 4-9)
The Patriarch as Prophet, Priest, and King (Genesis 9-49)
Distinguishing the Ceremonial, Civil, and Moral Aspects of OT Laws
Understanding Israel’s Constitution (Deuteronomy)
Getting What You Vote For (1 Samuel 8:1-22)
God’s Sovereignty over Kings (Proverbs 21:1, etc.)
Christian Nonchalance? (Selected Scriptures)
Nature, Purpose, and Duty toward Magistrates (Romans 13:1-7)
Praying for those in Positions of Authority (1 Timothy 2:1-8)
Just War Theory (Summary of Augustine & Aquinas)
Living Under Oppresive Regimes (1 Peter 2:13-17)
“For Whom Shall I Vote?” (Exodus 18:21 and Deut. 1:13)
Grace Reformed Church is committed to promoting and defending the biblical and reformed faith by providing Bible study guides and online. Please feel free to download and distribute these lessons (with appropriate attribution).