Grace Reformed Church of Reedsburg, WI invites you to worship the Lord in spirit, truth, and the beauty of holiness. Here are the details:

Location – The service will be held at the Reedsburg Town Hall (not the City Hall).

Time – Worship begins promptly at 10:30 AM (most arrive early to get settled and quiet their hearts).

Sermon – Pastor McShaffrey will continue his series on the prophecy of Amos with a sermon on chapter 2.

Lord’s Supper – We will administer the sacrament, so please prepare your heart.

Fellowship Luncheon – Bring a light lunch and visit together before our afternoon ministries.

Music Discipleship – We will experiemnt with finding notes while taking a couple hymn requests.

Bible Study – Pastor will continue the class on personal evangelism by focusing on the necessity of being a member of the Body of Christ.

FAQ – If you are visiting for the first time, click here for more details. We look forward to meeting you!