While we read daily of unrest and violence in the middle east, there was a time in which the light of Christ shone brightly in that part of the world.
The following hymn was written during a time of great missionary interest (c. 1838) and may help the modern Christian remember what is most needed in that part of the world: The Gospel
If you want to incorporate this hymn into your family devotions, refer to page 702 in the back of the Trinity Hymnal and pick one of the tunes under the L.M. heading or simply use this one:
1. O Lord! Thine ancient churches spare,
Which still Thy name, though fallen, bear;
Where once Thy bold apostles stood,
And sealed Thy truth with martyr’s blood.
2. Where now the Turk his power extends,
And vainly to his prophet bends,
There let again Thy Gospel shine,
With beams all bright, and power divine.
3. Where Jesus rose and left the grave,
There let the cross its banner wave;
While Syria sees her churches rise,
And hymns to Christ ascend the skies.
4. Let Nubia’s desert hear once more
The Savior’s voice, His love implore;
Egypt Thy sacred Word unroll,
And find that grace which saves the soul.
Notes: “Turk” is an old designation for “Muslim” and “Nubia” refers to modern North Sudan.
Credit: The Church of England Hymn-Book, by D.T.K. Drummond & Robert Kaye Greville (Edinburgh, Scotland: William Oliphant and Sons, 1838).