marks_chirstianWhile nearly everyone in our culture claims to be a Christian, the scriptures establish several “marks” which serve to prove the genuineness of this common claim.

These “marks” are not to be regarded as things we must do to be saved, but rather as evidences that we have been saved.

We invite you to join us for this class. Here is the schedule:

03/15/15  –  Accepting the Bible as the Word of God (Elder Hermes) 

03/22/15  –  Confessing the One True God (Elder Henreckson)

03/29/15  –  Turning from Sin and Trusting Christ (Elder Hermes)

04/19/15  –  Obeying Jesus as Lord of Your Life (Pastor McShaffrey)

04/26/15  –  Being a Faithful Member of the Church (Elder Baldridge)