The time has once again arrived to make plans for our annual Family Advent Program. It we be held on Sunday, December 23 at 1:45 p.m. (in case of bad weather it will be postponed one week).

We encourage every family to be represented in the program – if not your entire family, perhaps a few can team with another family, or form an ensemble with a member or two from several families. Typically, the program is mostly music, but if your talents are in other areas, we certainly welcome skits and recitations to add variety.

If you would like to participate, Please notify Jane or Dennis, in writing, by December 9th so we have time to make a printed program, and to give yourselves ample practice time.

Please include the following information on your note: Title of selection, length, name(s) of persons involved (including the accompanist) and identify if it is a solo/ensemble, vocal/instrumental, skit or recitation. E-mail us at or hand us a note at church.

This is a special event for our church family each year. We hope you’ll join us!